Learn more about our undergraduate programs at Coker
We love helping students pursue their passions. Our academic programs are led by outstanding faculty dedicated to creating a learning environment that supports your educational goals and 领导 发展. 你才刚刚开始你的大学之旅,我们承诺会陪伴你走好每一步. 我们邀请您在正规博彩十大网站探索各种可能性.
B.A. 或B.F.A.
Achieve a high degree of professional excellence in the arts in this awarding curriculum with challenges that involve reSearch & 发展, 批判性思维, and open ended critiques where you will learn the importance of effectively communicating your ideas and creative work.
If you have an insatiable curiosity, 强烈的正义感, and a desire to improve social conditions, 主修犯罪学将建立在你的自然能力上,为你的职业生涯做好准备. You will study all facets of crime—from the psychological motivations of criminals to the intricacies of law enforcement, prisons and parole systems—to fully understand the American criminal justice system and explore how to improve it.
B.A. 或B.M.E.
The Coker model is unique in that every education course has a corresponding field experience in a real public school classroom, where you’ll observe and work with PK-12 students. 这些实地经验, 从第一年开始并贯穿整个正规博彩十大网站, give you real teaching experience from your first methods class (taken during your first or second year). Our program prepares you for certification, but it also prepares you with strong content knowledge and the 技能 to apply innovative ideas and teaching models that adjust to your students’ individual needs. When you graduate with a Coker education degree, you graduate ready to be not just a teacher, but also a mentor and partner in the learning process.
The General Studies major offers a multidisciplinary education that allows for exploring specific interests while offering a framework to promote competence in several fields. 学生 study with faculty from various academic areas to complete coursework; the major can encompass coursework from the sciences, 社会科学, 艺术与人文, and other majors that offer courses to all students.
The Humanities major provides students with a multidisciplinary education built upon a liberal arts foundation. Particular fields of study include 艺术, 沟通, 英语, 跳舞, 历史, 剧院, 音乐与政治学.
The Humanities major empowers students by providing them with the essential tools to succeed in many professions in a global environment.
Coker’s interdisciplinary studies program helps students mix their passions and talents to create customized fields of study. Majoring in a subject typically involves the intense study of a single discipline—but interdisciplinary studies majors work across disciplines, seeing how things connect and bringing them together.
跨学科的人带来了不同的技能和背景, helping to forge connections and problem-solve. 在现代工作场所, where there is more 和更多的 integration between fields, interdisciplinarians have a marketable advantage.
Interdisciplinary studies majors will learn specific 技能, 包括建立联系, 解决复杂问题, 领导, 战略思考, 沟通, 分析思考, 和协作.
B.A. 或B.M.E.
作为科克音乐专业的学生, whether you choose to study piano, 的声音, 或者音乐教育, you will follow rigorous yet rewarding curriculum that challenges and develops your creative and intellectual potential.
With personal guidance from accomplished faculty members, 我们以讨论为基础的圆桌学习理念挑战学生去探索, defend and communicate their ideas and creative perspective. 课堂外, 学生可以立即获得独奏表演的机会, 戏剧角色, 实习, regional and national ensemble tours, 出国留学 and study away opportunities.
正规博彩十大网站 is accredited by the National Association of Schools of 音乐 (NASM).
公共行政人员为以服务公众和共同利益为使命的实体工作. 如果你一直希望把改变世界作为你工作的一部分, Public Administration is the program for you.
公共关系工作岗位的增长速度超过了全国平均水平, which means that people who study in the field can expect a lot of excellent options to choose from when they graduate.
社会学的核心是研究群体环境下的人类行为. 社会学专业培养了包括研究在内的许多实用科学技能, 计算机与统计, with the opportunity to apply these 技能 by participating in faculty reSearch projects as early as freshman year. 学习社会学使你具备分析信息的能力, 得出有意义的结论, 并在各种复杂的情况下交流和应用这些正规博彩十大网站.
参加这个具有挑战性的课程,它不能只学习, you must take action in the work. From performance to playwriting, you will immerse yourself in this dynamic course offering a multitude of opportunities for valuable hands-on experience—from productions to workshops, 实习, 出国留学, 和更多的.
- 一般剧院
- 表演
- 技术剧院
- 音乐剧
- 剧院
B.S. 或B.A.
For biology majors at Coker, learning happens up-close. 课程将我们标志性的圆桌学习与实践研究和实习相结合. 你不必等到研究生院才进入实验室!
早在你大一的时候, you’ll have the opportunity to work directly alongside faculty members to gain professional experience. 许多学生还在正规博彩十大网站的卡尔米娅花园进行实地研究, a 35-acre botanical garden just minutes away from campus.
Our program is founded on the belief that reSearch at the undergraduate level fosters confidence and prepares you with an understanding of current and future biological reSearch. 科克学院鼓励探索、好奇和积极参与你选择的领域.
You’ve got that entrepreneurial spirit. 或者是真正的好胜心. A vision for a non-profit that will change the world. You’re going to do very, very well in the business world. A degree from 正规博彩十大网站 will take the business 技能 you already have, and make them better. You’ll also learn plenty of new 技能, 伴随着理论, 批判性思维, and connected perspective you’ll need to succeed. 这就是基于现实世界的文科课程的力量,为你工作.
Cybersecurity has grown from a niche category to a bustling industry with a job market that requires specific skill sets.
Our program is business-oriented, 为学生提供全面的实践经验,超越IT技能. It will teach students how to build practical defenses against cyber attacks by “hardening” networks and devices, 调查违反, and ultimately how to think like a hacker.
With starting salaries between $63,000 to $102,000, 很明显,学习数据分析为你提供了一条通往六位数收入的好途径. There’s also never been a better time to enter the field, as jobs are growing 36% over the next decade – that’s much, much quicker than the average field. The door of opportunities is wide open.
这个行业有很多机会,也有很多钱可以赚. 电子游戏行业正在经历爆炸式的收益产生和增长, 随着这些数字的上升, so too do the number of job openings in the coming years.
学生 majoring in General Sciences may elect up to one concentration in a designated subfield approved by the science faculty. Coker has over five concentrations to choose from, 比如酿造科学, Agriculture Science and 生物医学科学.
医疗保健研究专业培养了复杂的美国医疗保健体系所需的广泛技能.S. 医疗保健系统以及如何提供和改善医疗保健.
信息技术工作岗位的增长速度远远快于全国平均水平, which means that people who study this field can expect a lot of excellent options to choose from when they graduate.
更重要的是, the median annual salary in IT is $97,430, that’s almost double what the average job pays. Employers are desperate for qualified candidates, and they’re willing to pay you handsomely to join them.
这是一个具有挑战性的正规博彩十大网站, but if you have a passion for science and healthcare, it can lead to a rewarding and secure career.
从第一天起, 你会和你的教授建立亲密的关系, heading over to the gym to see your coursework in action, 并发现如何将尖端技术融入课堂上学到的概念.
That’s not to mention the opportunities you’ll have to practice applying your new 技能 outside of the classroom. 库克大学的学生已经在基督教青年会等当地企业完成了实习, Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center, 和达灵顿赛马场——其中许多人在毕业后都找到了全职工作. +, professors often take students to attend and present at events like the annual SC AHPERD (Alliance for Health, 体育课, Recreation and 跳舞) conference.
在专业范围内, you can choose from one of five concentrations to develop a specialized 技能et based on your personal interests and career goals. Combined with a well-rounded liberal arts core, you’ll be equipped with everything you need to build a successful and rewarding career after graduation.
如果你着迷于理解人们为什么做他们所做的事情, you might consider majoring in psychology.
以科学方法为基础, 心理学探索与社会和人类有关的重大问题. Psychology majors study how to predict, interpret and control behaviors, learning reSearch methodology and how to formulate conclusions from results through observation and scientific analysis. 作为奖励, psychology students also gain insight into the world around them and their own personal 发展—including motivations, 价值观和优势.
公共卫生学位是为那些想改变世界的人准备的. 是的, the salaries are good and the jobs are growing – but this is a field where your work can heal communities and improve lives.
护理 & 在进行职前培训计划
A degree from Coker provides you the knowledge, 技能, and education to thrive in the nursing field, 同时为你提供哈茨维尔一所国家认可的大学的学位, 南卡罗来纳. 这就是护理课程的力量,它建立在实际工作的基础上,为你工作.
- 惠普对BSN
没有专门的专业为学生进入药学院做准备. 相反,药学院要求完成前提课程. This 3 + 1 program provides those prerequisites required of the Medical University of 南卡罗来纳 (MUSC) and, 这取决于学生的平均成绩和PCAT分数, a guaranteed interview at MUSC for their Pharmacy program.
If accepted into the pharmacy program at MUSC, the student will spend the fourth year in the program, 因此, completing year one of four of their doctorate of pharmacy degree prior to graduation from 正规博彩十大网站.
准备好开启你的未来? Check out the academic calendar, discover the three pillars of success after college, explore the University’s technology resources, 并了解你在科克的时间如何成为一段变革性的经历.